I hate when people say that so much. I mean why can't persons just say you're pretty full stop and stop with the back-handed compliment?
The worse part about is that they don't even realize that its not really a compliment if they say "for a fat girl". Why is it that my body size has to be commented on after saying I'm pretty? Would I not still be pretty if I weren't fat?
The funny thing is that persons never say that to a slimmer girl. "Oh you're pretty, for
a slim girl."
The other thing that really annoys me is when people say, "Wow, for a big girl you dress so nicely." I mean I know that I dress well and I appreciate the notice so thanks, but you don't need to say the first part about me being a big girl. I KNOW THAT ALREADY!! Mind you, there are some plus size girls that really need help in the fashion department, but that's a topic for another day.
Who I really appreciate are those people who don't see my size as a defining factor. Those people who appreciate beauty regardless of a person’s size. Like "Wow, you dress so well" or "you're really beautiful".
It's just the simple things that you can alter in your behaviour that can make a difference. That can make or break a person's day. So the next you see a "fat" girl or guy, don't see their size. If you wanna compliment them don't mention their size because most likely, it’s something they struggle with.
Also, complimenting them and mentioning their size; the only thing they really register is the fact that you reminded them that they're fat or unfit or flawed somehow so they can't receive a proper compliment.
- Just a little rant on a topic that really hit home.